--> non-obvious features, behaviours, and shortcuts...
⌥2000 Objects and Tools
Γîÿ-TAB-(TAB)-(TAB) for browse/btn/fld tool
Γîÿ-SH-TAB from background layer for browse tool & card layer
Γîÿ-OPT to show visible buttons
Γîÿ-OPT-SH to show visible buttons and fields
--> won't work if the stack is protected with CantPeek = true
Γîÿ-OPT-SH-CLICK on button/field to show script
Γîÿ-CLICK on UNLOCKED FLD to send mouseDown (also copies word to Msg)
OPT-TAB to toggle visibility of tools palette
Γîÿ-DRAG to create new
(SH)-OPT-DRAG to clone (constrained) [without contents!]
SH-DRAG, SH-RESIZE to constrain
--> SH-RESIZE a round-rect, default, standard, or pop-up button gives it standard height
SH-DOUBLE-CLICK to show script
DOUBLE-CLICK to show info dialog
Γîÿ-T to show font/style dialog
Γîÿ-OPT to show all (even hidden!); and CLICK then shows script
Buttons in the background can see thru the cd pict
A field is "list" style if LockText and AutoSelect are both true
A bg fld shows / allows editing of text entered in background if SharedText is true, and shows/ allows editing of text entered in card if SharedText is false
⌥2000 Navigation and Screen
TAB to go next fld (or RETURN in last line of fld if it is AutoTab)
SH-TAB to go prev fld
"next" means with next higher number (closer), of same layer (cd/bg), if there is one; or, if not, field 1 (farthest) of other layer, if there is one; or, if not, field 1 of same layer
ENTER to leave fld
Γîÿ-L to cycle thru windows
Γîÿ-SH-L to cycle backwards thru windows
Γîÿ-SH-E to give card window a resize box
and allow grabber scrolling (hold Γîÿ to maintain)
DBL-CLICK in SCROLL palette to zoom & center
Γîÿ-SPACE to toggle menubar
LEFT-ARROW = prev card
RT-ARROW = next card
Γîÿ-LEFT-ARROW = first card
Γîÿ-RT-ARROW = last card
~ (or ESC) = go back to previously viewed cd (Γîÿ-~ if in paint mode)
SH-ESC = go back without closing
DOWN-ARROW = go back through recently seen cards
UP-ARROW = go forth through recently seen cards
Γîÿ-DOWN-ARROW to push card
Γîÿ-UP-ARROW to pop card
--> OPTION-ARROW accesses arrow-navigation between cards when the insertion point is in text if the TextArrows is true
RETURN after FIND starts find after this instance
Γîÿ-SH-F to find as find whole
--> FIND finds first card containing words starting with all find-words. It's fastest if all find-words are multiples of three letters in length. FIND WHOLE finds first card containing all exact find-words in same field in same order.
⌥2000 Text
Γîÿ-CLICK or Γîÿ-DRAG in fld (locked or unlocked) to copy word(s) into msg
UP-ARROW to start of msg
DOWN-ARROW to end of msg
Γîÿ-A to select whole msg (but you have to be already in the msg box; there is still no keyboard command to put the insertion point into the msg box if it is already showing, you have to use the mouse. Grrrrr.)
FONTS/STYLE shortcuts in fields (all Γîÿ-SH):
P = plain, B = bold, I = italic, U = underline
O = outline, S = shadow, C = condense, X = extend
G = group; ] = next font, [ = prev font
< and > = change font size, - and + = change line space
Γîÿ-A to select all
Γîÿ-SH-Z to revert field
Γîÿ-SH-D to remove styling (default)
⌥2000 Menus
ABOUT: OPT-ABOUT for system info
(seems no longer to work in 2.2)
NEW: SH-NEW for new in new window
OPEN: Γîÿ-SH-O or SH-OPEN to open in new window
COMPACT: Γîÿ-OPT-COMPACT to rebuild font table
PROTECT STACK: Γîÿ-choose FILE menu to override low userlevel
PRINT: SH-PRINT for full dialogs
UNDO: just ~ or ESC if in paint mode
Γîÿ-SH-V FIELD/BUTTON pastes field/button with its contents
Γîÿ-SH-V CARD pastes mini-picture of card
(if saved with OPT-COPY CARD, pastes full pict of card)
⌥2000 Painting
~ (or ESC) to undo
hold OPT-D to show just cd pict
hold OPT-O to show just opaque objects
TAB to toggle visibility of patterns palette
SH-TAB to create new patterns palette
when paint tool selected, menus import/export paint appear
select |snap-to | |lasso |all |
lasso |all | |no snap |all indiv |
pencil |fatbits |constrain| |fatbits |
brush |erase | | |brushes |
eraser |white |constrain| |all |
line | |const 15┬░|pattern |thickness |
spray |erase |constrain| | |
bucket | | | |patterns |
text | | | |font/style|
rect |move |square |border pat|fill |
oval |move |circle |border pat|fill |
reg poly|move |const 15┬░|border pat|#sides |
poly | |const 15┬░|border pat|fill |
curve | | |border pat|fill |
patterns| | | |edit |
SH-DRAG selection to constrain movement
OPT-DRAG selection to clone
Γîÿ-OPT-DRAG selection to trail copies (frequ: OPT-1 thru -9)
OPT-1 thru -9 before drawing multiple for spacing
Γîÿ-S after typing paint text to select paint text
--> note that a text string or HT expression can be its "contents"
--> when the Reports menu is showing you can cut/copy/paste a template
⌥2000 Home Stack Handlers
--> you can type these shortcuts into the Msg box
HELP <TOPIC> for hypercard help
HYPERTALK <TOPIC> for hypertalk help
NAV to show navigator palette
VW for variable watcher
MW for message watcher
SE to change script editor defaults
C for card info
B for background info
S for stack info
SS <STR>,<STACKNAME> to seek string in scripts
XY to show mouse coordinates
⌥2000 Scripting and Debugging
Γîÿ-OPT-C/B/S to open cd/bg/stack script
(again, to bring to front or close)
Γîÿ-OPT-SH-CLICK on object to open object script
DBL-CLICK " or ( to select text between
TRIPLE-CLICK to select line
OPT-RETURN for soft return
TAB to format
ENTER to close script and save
Γîÿ-. to close script and don't save
OPT-CLICK IN SCRIPT to set/kill checkpoint
OPT-SH-CLICK ON CHECKPOINT to kill all checkpoints
type Debug Checkpoint to set permanent checkpoint
Γîÿ-OPT-. to start debugging
rects in lines of global var ScriptWindowRects determine script window placement
⌥2000 Miscellaneous Tips
ΓÇóAny stack can be "Home": rename or hide "Home", HC will then ask for "Home" on startup and you can designate any stack.
ΓÇóWhen you save as a stand-alone app, the app itself is Home; "go home" will go to it (but "go stack "Home"" will not), and stacks in use precede in hierarchy. Default global properties are used, some menus (including Print) are missing, top level is 4, cantPeek is true.
ΓÇóPadlock icon in the menu bar? You've got a locked stack. This might be because: stack was created by earlier version of HC (see if you can choose "Convert Stack" from the File menu); stack is locked in the Finder (fix in the Finder); stack is protected (see next item).
ΓÇóCan't "set the userlevel to 5"? Can't delete stack? Can't peek at buttons and fields? Padlock? You've got a protected stack. See if you can choose "Protect Stack" from the File menu. If not, hold Γîÿ and try it again.
ΓÇóPeriodic cleanup is up to you: Compact your stack; clean the search paths in the Home stack.